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Letter of Intent:

Letter of Intent:


Career Goals:


            My career goals are to continue to run my own business ideally in handmade jewelry, art & photography, and also providing a photography service.


Skills & Interests:


  • Photoshop – skill to edit and touch up photographs, which is most specifically related to a photography service so that I can provide clean, touched up images to my clients, the most important part of running a business.

  • Problem Solving – I would say I’m a fairly “outside of the box” thinker when it comes to problem solving and I tend to put a lot of time and effort into doing things which is also necessary to running my own business as I have to know how to creatively solve all of my own problems.

  • Art – Art is a huge interest of mine which is very applicable to my career goals, which may sound a given, but it is more applicable than you may think because it also helps with practical things as well. i.e. Knowing the value of art is applicable to pricing items.


Skill to Acquire:


            A skill I need to acquire is marketing skills to be successful in this employment since I will be doing everything on my own marketing will be the biggest skill needed to really start this work in the future. I plan on working on this skill by applying for a training / mentorship program through the government, the same program that provides the Summer Company.

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